André Pedersen

Brattørkaia 17A

7010 Trondheim

Trøndelag, Norway

Hi! I’m a Senior Machine Learning Engineer at Sopra Steria. I have strong experience in using artificial intelligence and image analysis techniques for various medical applications, aiming to develop solutions that can assist clinicians in their daily practice.

I was a MSc student at the Arctic University of Norway (UiT), from August 2014 to June 2019, in applied physics and mathematics, specializing in machine learning and statistics. I completed a summer internship at SINTEF Digital in 2018, which I ended up collaborating with on my Master’s thesis. From January 2019, I worked part-time at SINTEF while finishing my degree.

I started my PhD fellowship October 2019 in collaboration with the same research group as for my Master’s thesis. I was a PhD Candidate until 2023, where I published several papers on computational pathology, while I also held a position as a Research Scientist at the Medical Image Analysis group at SINTEF.

In parallel to my PhD work, I have developed open, standalone software for C++ and Python, mainly using Qt5/PySide6 (e.g., FastPathology and Raidionics). I have published open command line tools (e.g., livermask), developed Python packages (e.g., gradient-accumulator, torchstain), and published articles to high-impact scientific journals related to medical image analysis and deep learning (on topics such as image classification, semantic segmentation, image-to-image registration, high-performance computing, semi-supervised learning, and natural language processing).

I have also written a book chapter and acted as a reviewer for scientific journals, such as Medical Image Analysis, Nature Scientific Reports, Frontiers in Medicine, IJCARS, QIMS, and BMC Medical Imaging. Lastly, I have (co-)supervised five Master’s students working on using deep learning for supervised/semi-supervised segmentation of 3D medical images (CT), multilabel histopathology image classification, and bronchoscopy video navigation.


Jan 7, 2024 Achieved a certification in Generative AI with Large Language Models from DeepLearning.AI. See the certificate here.
Jan 6, 2024 Achieved the Microsoft Azure Data Fundamentals Certificate. See the certificate here.
Dec 20, 2023 Paper published in Neuro-Oncology Advances on growth analysis of untreated meningiomas, see here.
Nov 2, 2023 Paper published in Nature Scientific Reports on segmentation of glioblastomas in early post-operative multi-modal MRI, see here.
Oct 12, 2023 Achieved the Microsoft Azure AI Fundamentals Certificate. See the certificate here.
Oct 2, 2023 Started as a Senior ML Engineer at Sopra Steria. For announcement, see here.

today's publication

  1. JMI
    Fast meningioma segmentation in T1-weighted magnetic resonance imaging volumes using a lightweight 3D deep learning architecture
    David Bouget,  André Pedersen, Sayied Hosainey, Johanna Vanel, Ole Solheim, and Ingerid Reinertsen
    Journal of Medical Imaging Mar 2021